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Viral Sparks
Brand Identity
Brand Positioning
ViralSparks Identity: The Stories Of Viral Content
Viral Sparks was a digital marketing agency based in Chandigarh, India. Being a digital marketing agency, we knew the plights faced by the firm. Not only did we want to promote the true image of Viral Sparks but we were also concerned about their image being overshadowed by the competition. While looking for a logo that would represent virality, we opted for an abstract design with interactive elements to strengthen their brand.
Designing a logo from scratch that engages people instead of announcing “We Are Here.”
We designed a tool of persuasion with a great logo so that ViralSparks could strategically convince consumers to make them their go-to Digital Marketing Agency. The logo demonstrated that the brand could do the conversion and conversation.
The internet is young, which makes it easy to write the rules. For ViralSparks’ branding, we did just that. We gave them a hi-tech logo and an online presence to persuade their potential consumers so that they would navigate through an ocean of digital marketing firms.